There are too many variables here:
Neihao goes where?
The following statement is not necessary since I won't assume you do anything that you do not state, just the exact actions please:
Neihao goes out to the hallway and to the stairs to make sure no one is coming to investigate the noises. The group will hide away the body in the room Neihao and Lancelot had shared. Searches the room for a good place.
(Better?) Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Sep, 2011 - 3:35pm
Jonathon and Lady Godiva drop the body as Jonathon says, "Change of plans, leave the body."
Neihao turns form the fleeing wench before saying, loud enough to be heard by her, "Go hurry fast to the window, lets get out of here."
Instead the group will hurry to the trap door as sneakily as possible. Open the trap door, get inside, close it the trap door. Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Sep, 2011 - 5:37pm
Jonathon will study and search the room as well as listen to see if anything can be heard through the doors. Lady Godiva will listen to make sure no one is following us from the trap door and Neihao will slink his way to the staircase leading up, poking his head around the corner and listen for anything coming from the stairs.
The party will go through the North West door, Neihao leading the was while Jonathon and Lady Godiva follow behind. As they do Neihao searches for traps (Rolled an 80). All moving forward quickly yet still trying to keep quiet as they look and listen for anything of interest.
Neihao move towards the chanting. Slowly,sneakily, quietly, looking for traps (d100 = 11) so he can see what is going on in the room with demonic chanting.
Jonathon and Lady Godiva move to check out the other two doors, going quitely not wanting any to hear, Jonathon picking the one on the left and Godiva on teh right.