Bruconero: Smiling at the crowd, Cagliostro mounts on the horse. He hides both hands behind his back keeping the coin in one of them. Then, he chooses a child, one of the more ragged and rundown. He asks the kid to approach and, showing him both fists, he asks: "So, little one. I sense you may have some power within yourself. Show it to me: can you guess in which of my fists I'm hiding the magic coin you saw before?".
Whatever the answer, left or right, he will tell the kid he guessed right and toss him the gold coin. After that, he will slowly ride away from the mob and towards the camp.
Bruconero: Cagliostro rises his head to face the newcomer. With a smile, he says: "That's the wrong way, friend. The movement has to be more fluid: like this!". Cagliostro swings his staff from down to up, trying to land a blow directly on that particular body part that rarely is warmed by the sun.
Fairmaiden: Say to the joker, "I have a magic trick, see this..." she points to her short sword while hitting it on her storm shield being as intimidating as possible.
Sgtlee: Aose calmly looks as if not overly conserned. Walking around the camp as if preparing to leave. "Well, I for one don't believe in magic. And if you have seen Cag's wiggle his fingers here and there you wouldn't either." Aose picks up his shield and his sword, looking over the edge of the blade. "Since there are no more shows tonight, you can all go back to the tavern before someone has to die".
PlaybyPost: Dante gets ready to fight if necessary but won't actively do anything to start a fight.
Felipe: no action yet
Bruconero: Cagliostro looks for the nearest tree and tries to climb on it. If he succeeds, he will get his bow ready to be used in the next round. (By the way, did I at least manage to hit the annoying thug in his random children generator?).
Sgtlee: Aose attacks with a blood lust smashing skulls and coating his axe with a bright red sheen of lifes warm wet fluid.
Play by Post: Dante fights and then will jump on his horse to pursue anyone trying to escape and warn the rest of the city.
Felipe and Fairmaiden also submitted rolls
Roll submitted, JB. But that was my old action, in this new round I'm trying to climb on a tree regardless of the result of my previous attack. The misunderstanding was because I thought you would ask me to roll after the other update (two posts up) and not seeing the request I thought I failed in my action some way. Sorry for wasting your time and that of the other players that had to wait one day more because of this..
Felipe: Keep on fighting and try to go for another strike and try to do it fast.
FairMaiden: Keep on fighting.
Sgtlee: "You. Had your chance to run and live. Now you dance with the Deathdancer. (Aose attacks)
PlayByPost: Keep on fighting. If any tries to escape Dante gets on his horse and gets them before they can reach back the city.
Bruconero: Cagliostro swings his staff to the rogue blocking the way to his safety tree (am I right? I didn't manage to climb the tree yet, right?)
PlaybyPost: Dante pursues any of the peasants that want to escape and takes them out before they can get back to the city.
Sgtlee: Kill them all, worms got to eat.... (He means he wants to pursue the rogues that are trying to escape)
Bruconero: Cagliostro's eyes become red with anger as he sees the mocking gestures of his assailant. He tries to get up on his feet, keeping the "Joker" at bay with his staff.
FairMaiden: Attack the joker before he can hit Cagliostro again.
Felipe: Try another strike at one of the men who were trying to attack John.