NEWS: Semi Precious Weapons bassist to exhibit artwork at L.A. Gallery
Alternative Music
Cole Whittle, bassist for raw-rockin" glam-bangers Semi Precious Weapons will have an exhibition of his artwork on display at Los Angeles" Pop tART gallery, Saturday March 26. Titled "All The Kicks," Whittle's gallery installation includes a series of mixed-media works including photography, pen-and-ink art, sound design, collage, as well as some unusual clothing designs that would appeal to homeless persons fond of Marcel Duchamp. Visit Whittle's art blog or seek out the gallery ( for more information. Having completed work on their third album, Whittle and Semi-Precious Weapons (who were in AP's 100 Bands You Need To Know in 2009 issue) hit the road as part of Lady Gaga's seemingly never-ending Monster Ball on April 4. Source: Alternative Press Magazine