Let me take an unusual approach. I understand the ramifications of the choices that she made in the past, but doesn't she has a right to change and become a teacher if she wishes to do so? I find it very sad that she has to keep changing jobs and probably won't be able to have an average job ever again. Maybe she should work in another field besides teaching.
I am actually from this area near St Louis and read this story last week. I agree with you, she really should have an opportunity to change her ways as I believe that that was encouraged quite a bit for those that are religious. She actually resigned in this case when she told the school administrator. Her past wasnt caught because she did change her name from job to job, which was totally understandable after her problems in Kentucky. I believe that she resigned because she actually had children and I suspect that they were in the school district and it would be a huge problem for her family (in particular her children) to deal with and not just herself.
It took quite a bit of time between Kentucky and her outting in Missouri. If she really likes teaching, I would recommend that she goes to a K-6 Grade school and the likelihood that the kids are going to be looking at her in that fashion should be much lower. However, she will need to move again.
We had a teacher in my highschool that did a Playboy spread and she was quite often reminded of it. I am sure it was painful for her and she did quit after she got married.
Maybe the real problem is she didn't disclose her past before signing on the dotted line. I bet if the interviews knew they were hiring a former p-rn star they would have turned down her application. Oh and another thing, how does a kid recognize a p-rn star? Maybes some investigations need to be made into what this kid is watching.
If I were to make a guess, I would actually look at her children for the source of the leak. One of those things where you tell a "friend" a personal secret but tell them not to tell anyone else and it just mushrooms from there. The only other plausible thought I have is that a kid found some p-rn that their parents might have had. I cannot honestly imagine them searching the internet for old p-rn.
I don't blame her for not conveying everything from her Kentucky experience on her application/resume'. If she does, there is little way she will ever be hired as a teacher. By all accounts, she was a very good teacher and students liked her. There were no complaints against her. It is just unfortunate this past keeps getting uncovered for her.
If the form contained any questions about her past that is questionable and she leaves out her p-rn stuff then that is a lie. Most official documents tell you that if you lie then you can be held accountable. When she joined the school she was also indirectly joining the state education board so she is a representative. The whole reason she was suspended was because she is a bad representative no matter how sorry she might be for her past she should have chosen another profession where such things wouldn't be questioned.
Tera Myers (Hover)
Oh, I think she could easily get another job teaching if she changes her name and moves. I am not sure how far she has to move, but definitely out of Missouri and Kentucky and potentially neighboring states. She does that and changes her hair color and style, I see no way she couldnt land a job in another state. It depends on how much she really likes teaching kids and to teach high school, I would say she enjoyes it a quite a bit. Unfortunately, I believe she would have to get further education to teach anyone else other than high school students unless she went the tutor route.
Because it is so international, they will be looking for exactly what is pictured. The only bad part is that there will be those out there that just delight and hunting her down and the number will have grown each time she is found out. However, and for again not wanting to seem to crude, the p-rn tapes that she has made are only going to get more difficult to find. I would really love to know how this kid found out her past in Missouri because it wasnt a group of several students with one working at a video store...
It is agreed that there are no school districts that want to hire a former p-rn actress knowingly, but they were quite happy to do it non-knowingly for quite a while. I am not sure if she is married. Of course, if she were to move he needs to have either a flexible job or skills that are marketable pretty much anywhere.
Edited: Vincenzo on 28th Mar, 2011 - 3:00am