Best RPG For Girls?
D&D Related
Name: Kabayan
Comments: Is there an RPG that was made specifically with girls in mind? please tell me the title so I can look it up.
I don't know if any were made specifically for girls, but some do seem to be more appealing to girls overall, and usually seem to also be easier for kids in general, because of being a broader and less combat and intricate rules-intensive setup; but that isn't to say some girls don't really enjoy games with a good set of rules, maybe even complex ones, or combat - there are plenty of female D&Ders and such.
Some you might look into are more anime or maybe just animal themed, like Bunnies and Burrows, Mouseguard, Creeks and Crawdads (may be out of print), Big Eyes, Small Mouth and Tri-Stat DX, and then there's the bit more indie games like Fate, the Window, Dogs in the Vineyard, or going back more mainstream, the World of Darkness games (Mage, Vampire etc.) or Dresden Files.
My personal favorite, which takes a bit of getting used to but could conceivably be used to run about any kind of game you want, using any style of play, and is dead simple: the free version of Dan Bayn's Wushu, which was primarily created to model martial arts action movies, but could be used in other ways with some clever reinterpretation by a GM.