At What Time Missionaries Stop Proselyting?

At Time Missionaries Stop Proselyting - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 14th Apr, 2011 - 2:22pm

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14th Apr, 2011 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

At What Time Missionaries Stop Proselyting?

I'll be blunt honest. I don't like people showing up at my door step unannounced. I know some folks don't have a problem with it but I work long hours and the evening time is extremely important for me you know what am I saying? So...I was relaxing last week with my dog, watching some movies and drinking hot cocoa (weather is pretty cold here in Utah at the moment) was around 10:00pm when I heard my bell ringing and my eyes couldn't believe that the missionaries were standing at my door step! 10:00pm!

I talked to them through the door you know what am I saying? There is no way on earth that I will let anyone in at that hour unless its an emergency. I asked them what's happening and they said they were coming to visit? What the heck? I was shocked and quite upset, I didn't tell them about it but I did say it wasn't a good time and asked them if they knew it was late, they said they knew the time. At what time are missionaries supposed to be at their apartment? Aren't they supposed to call you first and most of all, is this common? Did it ever happen to you?

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Post Date: 14th Apr, 2011 - 2:22pm / Post ID: #

Proselyting Stop Missionaries Time At

Name: RM

Comments: They're supposed to be at their apartment by 9:30 (depending on local mission rules). Is there a particular reason they were visiting so late?

> TOPIC: At What Time Missionaries Stop Proselyting?


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