Florida church sponsors 'International Burn A Koran Day':
The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville FL, is planning to mark this year's anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with a little bonfire of Korans, the holy book of Islam. They even have a Facebook page with a mission statement to justify their actions: Ref. Source 6
I am not positive on this but isn't the Koran a peaceful type of book. Sort of like their version of the bible. If I remember correctly most of all of these religions are the same at the root and have parts of the others in them. Anyways how would christians reaction be if they had a special holiday to burn bibles. Like maybe the day that we attacked Iraq with no real reason and killed countless innocent people. Maybe Japan should have a national hate America day for the day we vaporized two of their cities.
I think it is actually in the bible that we are supposed to be forgiving, pretty sure it's in there a couple of times. I don't see how throwing gas on the fire is going to help the healing of these wounds. Then again I don't understand a lot of stuff about this world so, . . . Edited: Oliron on 25th Jul, 2010 - 2:34am
You and me too Oliron there is a lot of this world I do not understand.
The fact that the Bible has been burned by some muslim groups and the Christians did not react in a negative way shows that they are trying but to have others turn around and do the same thing back by burning the Koran. I just do not understand the thinking at all. Edited: KNtoran on 26th Jul, 2010 - 3:42am
I think these churches that want to do this are failing to understand what they are really doing. The fact that they are doing nothing more than to spread hate and division among the populous of the nation is wrong in my book.
I believe we do not need to burn the Koran or any other religious book. We should accept those who believe different than us and learn to accept each other and compare our religions. I am sure that we all can find common ground and get along very well. As long as we have groups doing all they can by going out of their way to cause pain and hard feelings are we ever really going to grow as a people?