I am not a democrat, I am actually what is referred to as unenrolled, which means I claim no party affiliation. However, I generally vote republican. As far as who can beat Bush. I am not sure anyone can, but what I do know is it is way to early to determine who it will be that will be running against him.
As recently as last week Howard Dean was the front runner in all the polls by a wide margin. No primaries have happened yet. Now, this past Monday, was the Iowa Caucuses, which is the first primary like event. Dean came in third. John Kerry was first, and then Senator (don't know his first name) Edwards was second. In NH up until Monday, Dean had a huge lead in the polls. Now, it is considered a dead heat.
NH is the first primary which is why it gets so much attention. Yet, George Bush lost in NH when he was running in the Primaries, but he still got the nomination. I think until after super tuesday, we won't really have a good idea who the winner will be.
Super Tuesday is a day when there are a large number of primaries all on the same day. That will really cement the choice, I think.
Edited: tenaheff on 22nd Jan, 2004 - 10:23pm
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