Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater! - Page 5 of 9

Has anyone ever gone a Christmas without eating - Page 5 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 2nd Dec, 2008 - 2:01pm

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Mormons Eat Meat
Eat meat sparingly and the Lord
Post Date: 18th Jan, 2007 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater!
A Friend

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater! - Page 5

Hi, Robert E.

A few things that really help my family to enjoy eating plants are:

-Buy frozen fruit and make smoothies. All our smoothies include a banana, some OJ, perhaps some ice cubes, and misc frozen fruit only. A few chunks of pineapple add zip too. You can now buy frozen berries, etc. $20 of frozen fruit will go a long way.

-Focus on the hearty foods like wholegrain bread, beans, and potatoes.

-We don't worry if we eat a little meat on occasion. I would prefer less, but at least we are sparing. if you must, consider meat a part of your weekly diet, unless you want to go to a yearly or monthly (holiday/special occasion) basis based on D&C 89. Use cheese unless you are going total vegan (there are health benefits to reducing dairy consumption, but a little is okay, I think).

-We delight in colorful salads, salsas, and vegetable mixes and stir-fries. Gourmet eating, it is!

Let us know how it goes. Eat lots! You will need it without the meat.


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19th Jan, 2007 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

Eater Meat Thou - Mormon

You do not have to give up meat entirely, you can eat it less and do it gradually otherwise you will surely miss it.

I cannot remember which Prophet mentioned his consumption of meat was a slice of ham once a month only and Joseph F. Smith even though he never said he was a vegetarian, his wife mentioned he hardly ever ate meat.

Elder Joseph Merril of the Quorum of the Twelve gave a talk about it in 1948:

Latter-day Saints, why should you complain of the scarcity or high price of flesh foods? Have you not known that in any case you should eat them sparingly? The Lord told you so. I have quoted from some of the highest authorities in the world to the effect that they are not essential to your physical well-being. But Americans did not know this until God revealed it to them through his Prophet, Joseph Smith.
And now I sum up. Proteins are the building materials of the body, the needed amount of which is largely determined by age and the kind of physical activity: but for the average adult it is about 10 percent of food intake. More than this should be avoided. Meat is the richest source of proteins but sizable amounts are found in the excellent foods-eggs, milk, cheese, beans, nuts, wheat, and more or less in other cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Americans eat too much meat, a non-essential in human diet, because all the proteins needed are available in the other foods just named

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2007 - 6:18pm / Post ID: #

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater!
A Friend

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater! Studies Doctrine Mormon


That is a very interesting quote. The China Study indicates about 10% as the caloric percentage above which animal product consumption begins to show adverse health effects (diseases of affluence: cancer, heart disease, arthritis, lupus, diabetes) in demographic and clinical studies.

Regarding diabetes, obesity, and general gastrointestinal health, I need to point out that as I understand, refined food (Wonder bread, Mac and cheese, etc.) consumption is also a problem. Vegans and Atkins types agree on that.


Post Date: 8th Mar, 2007 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater!
A Friend

Page 5 Eater Meat Thou - Mormon

I don't think I could ever be vegan (no meat/eggs/dairy/honey/leather). Personally, I think avoiding honey is really over doing it. However I could follow the Word of Wisdom when it comes to eating meat sparingly. Actually, it was pretty easy when I lived in Seattle. Most everyone I knew was vegetarian and there wasn't the pressure to eat meat.

In the scriptures, there is an emphasis on eating meat sparingly and using grains as the staff of life. The Lord says MULTIPLE times to use meat sparingly and to utilize grains. He must really mean it if He has to repeat it.

It is unfortunate that today's society in Utah (where I currently live) puts such an emphasis on hunting and killing and bloody gore, it's just unreal. Ugh. I can't stand it.

Unfortunately I got in a fight with my family over this very topic. They think it's OK to pork down the beef and fat and I read the scriptures to them where it says point blank "to be used sparingly" "times of famine" etc. They just poo-pooed me which really hurt my feelings.

I have a big however. I can't find anywhere where the scriptures says to eat fish sparingly or even non-sparingly for that matter. It is specific about the animals in the fields, trees and air, but I don't see anywhere where is talks about the animals of the water. What could that mean? Sushi is OK? Go for it? Am I over-analyzing it?

Also, more food for thought. The scriptures also say only to eat foods that are in season. What do you think about that?

9th Mar, 2007 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

Eater Meat Thou - Mormon

I have a big however. I can't find anywhere where the scriptures says to eat fish sparingly or even non-sparingly for that matter. It is specific about the animals in the fields, trees and air, but I don't see anywhere where is talks about the animals of the water. What could that mean? Sushi is OK? Go for it? Am I over-analyzing it?

Yes, you are kind of over-analyzing it but it's okay. wink.gif Answering your question, in Doctrine and Covenants 89:12 reads:

12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

If you check your scriptures, you will see the word "flesh" if you check the footnotes it says Genesis 9:3 that reads:

Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

There you go, fishes are obviously included based on this scripture.

The scriptures also say only to eat foods that are in season. What do you think about that?

For me It means that when foods are in season such as fruits are at the best state to be eaten because they are riped and they are good and healthy for our bodies, did you ever try eating a mango or a banana no fully riped? I have done it and it make you feel very sick, foods must be eaten when they are supposed to be eaten.

Just my two cents.

9th Jul, 2008 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #

Mormon - Oh Thou Meat Eater!

Let's go back to the topic of eating meat "sparingly", how do you know you're doing it? Sparingly can mean many things for many people.

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11th Oct, 2008 - 5:41am / Post ID: #

Mormon - Thou Meat Eater! - Page 5

I dont think I'll ever be a vegan but I have started to cut back more on my meat intake ever since watching how animals are treated to keep up with the demand for meat especially chickens and cows.

2nd Dec, 2008 - 2:01pm / Post ID: #

Mormon - Thou Meat Eater! Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 5

Has anyone ever gone a Christmas without eating meat? I've seen a lot of people tempted by the ham and turkey around this time.

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