Are We Really One Of A Kind?

Are Kind - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 28th Jan, 2004 - 10:00pm

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Post Date: 27th Jan, 2004 - 6:45am / Post ID: #

Are We Really One Of A Kind?
A Friend

Are We Really One Of A Kind?

Of course each of us have our own physycall features and unique personalities, have you considered how many people really exist on earth. they said no two snowflakes are alike, recently they have found two snowflakes that were completly alike. the odds of finding a replica of you on earth may be extremly low, but then again, as long as there are odds, there are possibilities.

What do you think ?

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28th Jan, 2004 - 10:00pm / Post ID: #

Kind Of Really Are

Well, I believe we are all unique. Yes, we hear about having doubles or look a likes, but that isn't quite the same. Even identical twins, who share the exact same DNA make up, are not the same in all areas. Often they have very different personalities.

In order to be the same, you need the exact DNA match first. This means the DNA of both of your parents would also need to be exactly the same as whoever else has your exact DNA. That would be extremely unlikely to happen. It would mean two people who somehow through some freak of nature or accident and share the same DNA would need to marry also people with the exact same DNA. Still, then you could still be just as different as any other siblings are. My sisters and I have parents with the exact same DNA, yet we are very different in looks.

Next, is personality. I think some of this is genetic, which can be explained by the DNA, but a good portion is based upon experiences. So, once you somehow ended up with the exact same DNA as someone else, you would also need to somehow grow up with the same experiences in order for your personality to develop exactly like the others.

I doubt any of this is likely. I think the possibility, if at all is so small as to be statistically zero.

> TOPIC: Are We Really One Of A Kind?


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