Are Mormons Christians?
Mormon Related
Name: Jerry
Comments: I ask that because its amazing to me the amount of speculation there is online as to whether they are or not. Let me ask it this way... Why do people generally think Mormons are NOT Christian?
Are Mormons Christians? (Hover)
Are Mormon and Evangelical Views of God Really That Different?
In other words, the first question gets more or less the results you would expect. Traditional Christians know they cannot say that God is 'three separate beings" (the Mormon view, roughly speaking) so they choose the other option: God is 'three beings in one body or substance." When they do not choose to say that the Triune God is "one in body" in the next question (only 31% say that), then Dr. Lawrence calls this a "flip-flop." When you focus on the differentiation in the Trinity, he says, Christians by and large do not accept the Mormon view. When you focus on the manner of their unity, however, orthodox Christians show that they really agree with Mormonism. But is this really a flip-flop? Ref. Source 6
Name: Julius
Comments: I doubt its the Trinity doctrine that they're rejecting us for... Its Joseph Smith and modern day prophets. Modern Christianity simply rejects the idea there can be any prophets now and that is what makes us unique.
I"m a Mormon, Not a Christian
I want to be on record about this. I"m about as genuine a Mormon as you"ll find - a templegoer with a Utah pedigree and an administrative position in a congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am also emphatically not a Christian. Ref. Source 6
KELLNER: Scholar delves into Mormon "lessons" for Christians
So Mr. Webb, who recently retired from teaching to pursue a writing career, did what academically inclined people often do: he sat down and wrote a book. Unlike so many academic efforts, however, what he came up with will, I predict, get people talking. Ref. Source 4