I Don't Feel Part Of My Family
Name: Beni
Comments: Do you ever get the feeling like you don't fit in with the rest of your family? You are like a round peg and they're all square knobs. Everything they do, say and are each day is just different from how you are its like being a black sheep but not that you are an outcast or anything like that just different.
Yes! I felt many times like that, I'm kind of a rebel in a way but my family is completely different than me you know what am I saying? However we all love each other very much and our differences makes us even more united.
Some times it is easy to feel that you do not really belong with your family as they do not seem to understand what your going through or feeling. Sometimes you fit right in too. If your feeling alone or as an outcast to your family sometimes you just need to sit down with them and talk with them about what your feeling and how your being treated at times. You will be surprised what a nice conversation with the family can do as long as everyone can be level headed and non-insulting.