Give Up Your Life...

Give Life - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 23rd Mar, 2004 - 8:21pm

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Post Date: 23rd Jan, 2004 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

Give Up Your Life...
A Friend

Give Up Your Life...

Is there anyone in this world you would give up your life for?

I'm not sure I like the question myself , because it's so easy to say you'd do that, but when faced with it, would back out. Just to answer my own question, I would give up my life for my bf. I know I probably wouldn't for one of my friends, and it depends on which family member...but that's just me being honest. I'm not sure how many of you would actually give up your LIFE for someone you know...
Sorry, I must be in a bad mood

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23rd Jan, 2004 - 2:48pm / Post ID: #

Life Your Give

I believe I would give up my life for my grandson. Also, quite possibly my neices and nephews. I think I probably would do the same for my son, but I doubt he would need me to because he is bigger and stronger than I am. I do not know about my brothers and sisters or my parents. I am not saying I wouldn't, I am saying I don't know. I think we never really know until faced with the situation.

Also, sometimes we might end up giving up our lives while trying to save them, but not know for sure we would die in the struggle. I think this is different from knowing absolutely that if you do a certain thing, your loved one will be saved, but you will die. If you don't, you will live and they will die. In that case, I think I would do it for my son, my grandson, and my neices and nephews but probably no one else. I would want them to live a complete life and I have already lived more of a life than they have. However, my siblings and parents I feel are on equal ground with me. So, if one has to die and one has to live, I think my instinct to live would probably take over. I don't know for sure though. Maybe I would end up a hero because could I live with the knowledge that I let them die?

2nd Mar, 2004 - 9:40pm / Post ID: #

Give Up Your Life... Health & Special Psychology

i would give my life up for my mother, father, sister or brother. Im someone who put my family before anyone else. My friends and boyfriends come a far distance behind them. I grew up very close to my family, so there is no doubt in my mind that i would sacrifice my life for them. Whether or not they will allow me to though, is another story.

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2004 - 6:00am / Post ID: #

Give Up Your Life...
A Friend

Life Your Give

Xtra, you mean to actually die for someone, am I correct?

When I was married, my husband threatened my family's safety if I wouldn't do what he said. So in a sense I have already given up my life for them. I stayed in a bad marriage because I really believed he would do them grievous harm.

Do I regret it? No, never. Would I die for them now, Yes~ in a heartbeat. Would I die for friends. Probably not. I love my family deeper than I do my friends.

Post Date: 23rd Mar, 2004 - 1:01am / Post ID: #

Give Up Your Life...
A Friend

Life Your Give

If it came down to a choice of my life for my children, then I would gladly give my life to save theirs without a second thought. My children are my whole world right now and it would cause me great sadness and pain if something were to happen to them or if they were to pass on.

23rd Mar, 2004 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

Give Up Your Life...

For my kids, absolutely. Boyfriend? What boyfriend? wink.gif Not a chance.

There was a movie (made from an excellent book) years ago about this subject, called "Sophie's Choice" with Meryl Streep. She gave up her kids during WWII, I think she was in a concentration camp -- Auschwitz? -- in order to live. The book, of course, is much more detailed and deeper in it's scope than the movie.


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23rd Mar, 2004 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Give Your Life...

I would be willing to give my life for my dear husband and son, oh yeah, definetly. I love them so much and I want the best for them and if I am in a situation where I have to choose between my life and theirs, I will definetly choose their lives. They're the world to me.

> TOPIC: Give Up Your Life...


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