Are You A Gullible Mormon?
Truth is I cannot believe it either. Check the following thoughts from Harold B. Lee and place your thoughts.
"As I say, it never ceases to amaze me how gullible some of our Church members are" |
My experience is that many in the Church are too trusting of a people.
Some of us (at times me included) put too much faith in an office that someone holds either spiritually or politically , and we close our eyes to issues that are right in front of us.
I try to live by the mantra "trust but verify" meaning I am a trusting person, but I examine each issue before trusting someone too much.
I have learned the hard way over long years to not be trusting of smiles and 'good intentions'. Often I have found what makes for easy prey is someone who takes everything at face value. As you rightly said "examine" each issue. I also like to focus on actions, especially patterns of actions (behavior) as opposed to lip service.
No I'm not. I take everything with a grain of salt you know what am saying? I aint really care that people think I should trust everything I hear from the leaders like if I was blind or something I hear everything and pray about it for confirmation.
I can almost guarantee that if you asked this question of any Mormon anywhere, you would get the same answer, "Of course not!"
However, the reality is that many people make a living off of the gullibility of Mormons here in Utah, starting with the panhandlers around Temple Square to the thousands of illegal aliens that come here knowing they will get preferential treatment. Utah is known as the scam capitol of the world. Lots of "network marketing" and pyramid schemes start up here, and thrive before they eventually collapse leaving many people destitute.
I think we all need to be aware of this. We are gullible in that we are taught to accept the opinions and ideas of our leaders without question. Even when we begin to break away from this mindset, we still have that conditioning, and it is evident from our acceptance of many other things with minimal questioning.
We learn to listen to and accept ANYONE with a position of "authority." Many people get to the point that perceived authority causes them to lower their defenses.
I am not saying it is wrong to listen to the Prophet and Apostles. Just noting that some people become so submissive that they don't ask questions when they should, because they have been taught to submit too much to authority other than God.