First off there is an online site that provides some basic Spanish for free: Spanish Says - YouTube - make sure and SUBSCRIBE because they release videos every day!
The CXC Spanish Exam is usually three specific parts:
Multiple Choice, Written and Oral.
The oral is probably the most difficult since there is not much room to 'wing' anything. The thread will grow as users contribute their experiences.
The School Spanish Course by John C. Pride is excelent, specially in the gramma section. This book is available in most libraries at school (forms 4 and 5). There also two booklets with oral questions for the CXC exam which it is very helpful too. Those who will be taking the CXC spanish test, have to know the exam will be in April (oral) and the writing one I think it is in May/June.
Those looking at this Thread should also get involved in the Spanish Language Channel: Spanish Says Youtube where they can practice their skills and get additional tips and help for FREE!
Name: Crystal
Comments: I did the Csec Spanish oral, I froze for everything except for the Comprehension. What kind of grade Can I get if I do the other two papers really good? Or is it a lost cause? Can I still get a grade 2? What percentage is the oral part of the exam to the entire exam? Please help me.
Name: Tasha
Comments: Is the free online help for CSEC Spanish still available? I am sitting exams this year and will like some tips to prepare ahead of time. Is there anything I can do to help me get a grade 1?
Name: Kimberly
Title: Spanish
Comments: I would love to learn CSEC Spanish, because I am really weak in that area.