The issue of dialect has always been discussed by T&T teachers.Having been a former CXC and GCE English teacher, my view is that the dialect is an addition to the standard and the use of each register by the public may be a matter of balance. The imbalance among students in favour of using the dialect is not surprising as reading has become less of a pastime. Certainly the environ and peers are all factors in a person's skill level with the standard but from my years with friends from disadvantaged areas, I've seen how potent reading can be in providing the individual with Std. W.I English competence, not only for success with exams but also for self development.
Edited: valmiki on 14th Feb, 2004 - 10:39pm
Name: Sean
Comments: English A is Language
English B is Literature
I'm doing English A
Name: Tidus
Comments: I`m currently writing exams so I`m sure that English A stands for English language and English B stands for literature.