Anime! It's fun, interesting, and impossible to draw. For me, at least. I'm rather addicted to Inuyasha, but I can't find time to watch it, so I borrow the manga off my classmate to supplement the episodes I miss. I'm also stuck on Gensomaden Saiyuki. Does anyone else watch it? It's a remake of the chinese classic 'Journey To The West', and it ROCKS. Even more so when you know the original story and characters!
I used to watch Robin Witch Hunter but adultswim doesn't show it anymore. I totally love Inuyasha. I was very happy that adultswim brought it back to it's regular lineup. Now I don't have to wait until Saturday to see it, even if the ones on during the week are the old ones. I just love the different songs at the end, makes me wish I knew Japanese. Does anyone know if Inuyasha is on DVD? I would love to own them.
my list is big, but I'll start with my top favorites:
Angel sanctuary
Saior Moon
Cardcaptors-all series
Golden boy
Petshop of horrors
Sorcerer Hunters
vampire hunter d: bloodlust
My list is a lot bigger.
Angel sanctuary was just......whoah.
When I first started reading chobits I fell in love with Chi. She is just so cute.I later bought and watched the anime. It's cool how they added new stuff, but the cut out the nudity. I can't decide which is better, the manga or the anime, it's so hard to decide. I wish I had found Chi.....
Sailor moon is so mystical and cool. My favorite characters on there are Sailor neptune( so beautiful ), my perfect kind of girl, and sailor saturn. It has a great story and sailor moon's weapons are too cool. The Pegasus part of the story with chibi moon was weird.
When I first saw Cardcaptors I thought Sakura was older. My favorite character is the girl who makes who really cool costumes( I can't believe I forgot her name ).My favorite clow cards are the dark card, the cloud card, and the flower card. One of the coolest parts I saw in Cardcaptor Sakura was when she was using the sword card and had to use the fly card and she made wings on her back....that was too cool....
Golden boy was just hilarious.....
I started reading Petshop of horrors first, but when I saw the anime, the anime is so much cooler. The anime made the count seem even cooler than he already was, I didn't think he could be cooler. My favorite story was about the lady with the angel in her greenhouse, but the freakiest story was about the mermaid...
Sorcerer hunters ( look at golden boy desription above )
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust- go watch it for yourself and decide.
Unfortunatly where I live the closest place to get anime is almost 3 hours away. I only own a few episodes of Digi charat which I got at Anime North in Toronto (May 2005) and I have the whole series of Chobits which I got off eBay.
I love the art in Digi Charat, I'm a sucker for the really kawaii animations. I love the Chobits story though, and Chii is absolutely adorable.
I got to watch the second Inuyasha movie at Anime North too and I loved it!
I'm sure if I had more chances to watch/buy anime I would have alot more to list here!