What If Hitler Defended The Eastern Front
World War Two Related
Name: Vicky
Comments: If Hitler defended the eastern front would the western front war been more on his side and the allies wouldn't have been able to land in France?
An even better question would be...what if Russia joined the Axis? To a lesser degree, but still a very significant issue would have been if Spain had gone to the axis side.
Hitler was good with politics but actually really bad as a military strategist. Fortunately, he didn't know how bad he actually was. There are so many "what-if's" with Hitler's decisions.
What if he had actually sought and achieved the kind of peace just before Barbarossa that Hess was flying there for? Germany, Italy and Japan (assuming they stopped their aggressions and the US agreed to not go after them...so far at that point Japanese plees for a agreement where the US acknowledged Japanese annexations wasnt going over well in Washington) split up their winnings and the map looks way different. I feel that what Italy would have been given as a result would be for them uncontrolable and they would be quickly back at war with some of there new acquisitions. The same goes for Japan as well, since historically they had had a LONG history of problems with the countries that just annexed.
If they had totally patched things up with Russia so that they could minimize their forces on the eastern defense, then the war would have gone longer. How long? I am not sure, but it is possible that in that situation that a lot more nuclear weapons could have been fired. I could see a very weakened Britain with Russia and the US teaming up to nuke and then occupy Germany. Fein a D-Day build-up and then lob about 3 nukes on top of the German forces and then come in for clean up and split the winnings. I just don't see Germany with Italy having enough to take down Britain and it would be a long and drawn out war...through Spain in the mix and then that would have really tipped it in Germany's favor.
It would have been incredibly ugly if Russia teammed up with Germany. The US would have been forced to join Britain. Unfortunately, I would think it would have been far too late and a Axis with Russia would have swept europe, Africa and swallowed China if they wanted to. By this time...there would be no D-Day.
There are a whole lot of fun "what-if's"...what if Hilter would have sought out peace right after he took over France or even just before he took over France? What if he had been successfully killed early in the war in Munich?
One thing that would have been different if he could have gotten peace after taking over much of the middle east...not so sure that Islamic Fundamentalism would have taken off like it did... Edited: Vincenzo on 6th May, 2011 - 11:01am
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