Huntsman & Mormonism
Is Huntsman distancing himself from LDS faith?
Instead, Huntsman headed to a nondenominational mega-church called Seacoast with a rising star congressman, Rep. Tim Scott, who could be a key supporter in this early primary state. The move, on top of comments Huntsman made last year about not being overly religious, raises questions about whether Huntsman, a former Utah governor, is distancing himself from his membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as he considers a potential White House bid. Ref. Source 1
Todays article on KSL "Huntsman says his Mormon church membership is 'tough to define'" pretty much answers the debate for me whether you can count him as LDS or not. It looks like somewhere down the road he decided that it would be better for his political career to align himself more with the world & all religions rather than the LDS faith.
Name: Gordon
Comments: This seems like a place that can confirm this without a sermon, is Huntsman a practicing Mormon?
Jon Huntsman Jr. Stands by his Mormon religion
"Mr. Huntsman is trying something different in GOP politics: a campaign based almost entirely on atmospherics. It is, in many ways, the political version of a Ralph Lauren product launch. "¦ The Huntsman approach borrows elements from two famous presidential campaigns, Ronald Reagan's in 1980 and Barack Obama's in 2008, while paying homage to techniques more typically used to sell iPads or Chevy trucks." Ref. Source 2
Huntsman & Mormonism (Hover)
Positions of Jon Huntsman that diverge from Conservatism are:
-Support for civil unions.
-Expressed support for an individual healthcare mandate and then denial he ever supported it.
-A per capita spending increase of 10% per year as governor. But he was the best of all 50 governors in holding taxes down according the Cato Institute.
-Was deceived by the AGW hoax and signed the Western Climate Initiative.
-I get the impression he'll not keep China's feet to the fire.
Other than that, I don't know much about him. My perception is that, while he talks a good conservative game, he's more leftwing than Mitt Romney which is intolerable.
I have no problem with an LDS candidate distancing themselves from the Church if it's done properly. I don't think Jon Huntsman did it properly as it's up in the air as to whether or not he's actually LDS. I also expect an LDS candidate to hold positions that are close to doctrine else I judge them to be LDS in name only.
The Huntsman Rise
The Times reports that working in the Nixon administration afforded Jon Huntsman Sr. "a thick Rolodex and a deep understanding of politics. In the years that followed, as he became a billionaire industrialist, a philanthropist, a campaign donor and one of Utah's most powerful men, his connections and wealth proved critical in carving a path into politics for his namesake and eldest son." Ref. Source 9