Christian Relations During Menstruating
Name: Malcom
Comments: In other religions it is forbidden to do this but I notice Christians allow this why is that?
The Bible dose speak to this subject, I suggest using strong's or other reference works if the meaning of this verse is not clear.
David didn't Jesus said he came to fulfill? If you believe in that, do you also follow the other laws in Leviticus such as setting people on fire (under some circumstances), not eating shellfish and if you happen to have a pig in your house just by touching it you are made unclean? I'm curious.
Ebbs we are no longer held to the specifics of the law, but we are still bound by the righteous principles of them.
For instance a thief was to compensate for his crime by paying back four to five fold to his victim, that law no longer applies, but does that make thievery any less wrong?
(Jude 3, 4; 1Corinthians 6:9, 10)