More Or Less Educated?

More Educated - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 20th Feb, 2004 - 12:31pm

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Posts: 10 - Views: 1665
Poll: In your daily activities do you think those you come in contact with are more educated or less educated than you?
  They are usually more educated than me       16.67%
  I am usually more educated than them       50.00%
  I think we are about the same       33.33%
Total Votes: 6
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A comparison of those around you with...
Post Date: 17th Feb, 2004 - 9:54pm / Post ID: #


More Or Less Educated?

First of all many may ask for a definition of what I mean by 'more educated'. It is not for me to decide that, it is up to you to define an answer and explain your choice when you do make it.

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17th Feb, 2004 - 10:33pm / Post ID: #

Educated Or More

I based my answer on formal education because it is difficult to assess anything else. I work in a law firm, so many here have Law Degrees. I do not. I think I am well informed and have been trained technically for my job, also have a lot of life experience and I am pretty intelligent, but I don't consider this being educated.

17th Feb, 2004 - 11:44pm / Post ID: #

More Or Less Educated? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I know that some people also include mannerism, common sense and etiquette along with academic education since if you are academically educated but lack common sense or etiquette then you might quickly be found in the class of 'stupid', 'dumb' or 'idiot'.

18th Feb, 2004 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #

Educated Or More

I think you can be very educated and still be stupid. To me education is something you have been taught, but if you fail to use that education, you are probably stupid! wink.gif

18th Feb, 2004 - 3:03pm / Post ID: #

Educated Or More

Isn't that a contradiction in terms to the world though? I agree with you, but I am sure many will not. I often separate intelligence from wisdom (as I do in the RPGs), in other words, someone can know about something, but not know how to apply it (which is what you are basically saying). Sadly, the world focuses too much on the intelligence part and not the wisdom only, I think it is this way because wisdom cannot be 'accounted' for, whereas you can produce a certificate to show intelligence.

20th Feb, 2004 - 5:06am / Post ID: #

More Or Less Educated?

I agree, there is a big difference between "intelligent" and "educated." Someone I know was telling me about a TV commercial, where a woman was training someone how to do something. The trainee became quite miffed and told her "I have a master's degree!!" and the woman said, "Oh, you have a master's degree? Then I'll have to make it more simple for you...." laugh.gif

There is a woman at work with a master's degree -- but she's *not* very intelligent and she knows it. Why do I say that? Because she has no confidence in herself and is threatened by anyone she thinks can do a better job... I think it's really sad.

I have very little formal education, and while I'm not a genius, I think I'm intelligent and I have decent amount of common sense. And I (sadly) have a very low tolerance for obvious stupidity.


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Post Date: 20th Feb, 2004 - 5:52am / Post ID: #

More Or Less Educated?
A Friend

More Or Educated

QUOTE (FarSeer @ 19-Feb 04, 9:06 PM)
I have very little formal education, and while I'm not a genius, I think I'm intelligent and I have decent amount of common sense.  And I (sadly) have a very low tolerance for obvious stupidity.

Same here for me. I graduated from High School with a 3.2 gpa. (do they even use gpa's anymore?) School was extremely hard for me, so my parents supplemented my learning. Dad taught me penmanship and math, Mom taught me math, tolerance, spelling. Why did I put in tolerance? Because you must have tolerance if you are going to succeed at anything!

As a Primary Councilor I am learning patience.

I used to joke and say that Common Sense is not something you are born with, it is something you have to learn, and it is one of the toughest things to learn and retain. But as I get older, I honestly believe that I wasn't that far off. Too bad they don't teach Common Sense in school. Starting in Elementary and continuing clear up to and including College.

My two biggest gripes are 1. Spelling/grammatical errors, and 2. mispronunciation of words. Especially by the media. It is rather sad when a newscaster mispronounces words, or uses the wrong word.

I want to add that I am a perfect example of the saying: If you don't use it you will lose it. If you don't use the education you have, by reading, writing, and talking, you will lose the words. That is where intelligence comes to play.

In My Opinion.

Reconcile Edited: AGene on 20th Feb, 2004 - 5:55am

20th Feb, 2004 - 12:31pm / Post ID: #

More Or Educated Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

I have met people with master degrees and have ask me how to spell the word 'orange' and I'm not kidding. Personally it doesn't impress me how much formal education a person has but what impresses me is the use of it!!!! I have met people with more common sense and more knowledge about books and history and english than someone who is consider a 'master' in the field. By the other side, I have met people who were extremely smart, have common sense and also hold master degrees.

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