Mel Gibson's Passion

Mel Gibson' S Passion - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 17th May, 2005 - 3:45pm

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Post Date: 18th Feb, 2004 - 4:59am / Post ID: #

Mel Gibson's Passion
A Friend

Mel Gibson's Passion

So, what does everyone think about Mel Gibson's new movie? Are you thinking of seeing it? I am just curious what you all think. I feel kind of bad for the rap he is getting for trying to express his religious beliefs in his own spiritual manner.

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18th Feb, 2004 - 10:26am / Post ID: #

Passion Gibsons Mel

Welcome to the forum. I think that Mel will have to really prove himself in the movie. There are many films about Christ so I could not understand the need for another from Mel, but we will see.

Offtopic but,
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Post Date: 5th May, 2005 - 5:01am / Post ID: #

Mel Gibson's Passion
A Friend

Mel Gibson's Passion Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Wow... with all the ga ga over this film... I would have thought there would have been more response.

It was a film I could only see once. Now Mel is sanitizing it for younger audiences. He was true to the biblical descriptors of Christ's flesh being made unrecognizable. I thought the Romans were a bit overdone.

I did go with the mindset that I wasn't going to get caught up in the emotion. I cry so easy but by the grace of the Almighty... I didn't here.

I will say... In the culture of Utah it got quite a mixed response... The Roman Catholics and Evangelicals were busy promoting it like the big gospel tract it was. It definitely had the Roman Catholic mysticism peppered through it with enough evangelical pepper to get the message across. LDS, in general, were quiet about it except for one Ward whose Bishop put commentary out on why it should not be seen from a theological point of view... besides it's R rating... yet I know of a few that did see it.

I would be curious about the sanitized version.

Over all... when I think of the reality of the actual happening long ago... I am moved more by it more than the movie. Still... I know of one fellow who came to Christ as a result of seeing it. And he is still going strong. As for Mel... I admire his sand in not caving to the assaults of a media that generally disdains anything to do with the Biblical Christ.

5th May, 2005 - 10:07am / Post ID: #

Passion Gibsons Mel

There has been a lot of discussion about this movie on this forum. I think it was under the LDS board, though. Perhaps the majority of our non-LDS members weren't as interested? Anyway, I saw the movie and I am not sure I would next time. I generally don't go to R-rated movies and debated long and hard before going to this one. I think the violence was overdone. I don't think it did anything to improve my spirituality or personal relationship with the Savior.

I think the violence was done to the extent it was in order to shock people into appreciation for what He did for the world. I am not convinced it worked. Perhaps the edited version will be more effective.

5th May, 2005 - 11:27am / Post ID: #

Passion Gibsons Mel

I would have to agree with GI Jane. It did nothing for my spirituality. I think I knew that was going to happen as it was not in the same standard as our own LDS movies. And I would not watch it again!

17th May, 2005 - 1:47pm / Post ID: #

Mel Gibson's Passion

I absoloutely loved it. I don't know what "standard" you're speaking of in the reference to your LDS movies. Are you saying it's not as good because Mel Gibson is Catholic rather than LDS, or is the production quality of the film somehow of lesser quality than that of an LDS film? Mr. Gibson wasn't trying to make a blockbuster or a sensationalized dramatization, yet it reached around the world like wildfire, even into mainstream, yet the "higher standard" of LDS is a mystery to the rest of us. Could you please elaborate? It's obvious that there's a strong LDS presence here, I'm interested in knowing what makes LDS only films better. Please understand, IN NO WAY am I trying to be antagonistic, rude or combative. To me, seeing Christ's passion portrayed with "no holds barred" so to speak, to see the brutality and hatred that mankind can and still does exhibit, made Christ's love seem somehow more tangible. He knew what would happen to him and did it anyway. The research for this film lasted for more than a decade, (17 years I read) a life's work to create a very real and accurate film.

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Post Date: 17th May, 2005 - 3:45pm / Post ID: #

Mel Gibson's Passion

This topic is already expressed in it's fullness here:

In addition to this LDS related discussion should be limited to the LDS Boards and not a means for comparison in the General Boards.

* Topic Closed *

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