I Confuse Myself
I'm young, in High School, and, I guess you could blame this problem on teenage hormones. I've been very confused with my boyfriend recently. I only started dating less than a year ago, and the relationship I have now is the longest one I've had, and its been a bit over 2 months. He's been getting very jealous of me and, jealousy is a huge turn off.
Now, we're 'taking a break." It seems that when I'm not with him I want him really bad but, when I get him back, I feel kind of apathetic. Today he told me that he was tired of it and if I ever wanted him back I would have to gain his trust again. I promised him that I would. I tend to "flirt," subconsciously, with other guys and this strongly discourages him.
What would be the explanation for this problem I'm having Why do I want him when I don't have him
Source: Mental Help Net Questions and Answers