This is something that has troubled me a lot lately, because of some troubles a young man very close to me has encountered. Pornography is addictive, and so much easier to access than it was even 10 or 15 years ago. I know pornography is addictive, because even a taste of it increases a persons desire for more and more. It is free and may seem harmless to those that don't understand the subtleties of Satan. The dangers are evident, in that Church leaders have focused on this evil so intently of late. It seems almost impossible to reach those who have become insensitive to the Spirit, through some participation. As in the experience of the wife in Pres. Hinckley's talk, and as in all sin, a change of behavior can only be achieved through a personal desire to change and repent.
I can testify to anybody who is currently doing these things or even thinks about doing them that you DO NOT want to do that to your life. Sexual sins are next to murder in seriousness, and they are very hard to cleanse from your life. I don't know what more I can say on the subject, but that I learned the hard way and it's definately not worth it whatsoever. It will NOT lead to happiness, and the amount of fun you think you had is not even worth the amount of suffering you're going to endure. There is no chance for it to make you happy, and not chance for things to be well with god while you are doing these things. It's the virus that's infecting the earth and spreading into the hearts of teenagers and even adults. Satan teaches us that those feelings NEED to be satisfied, but he is lying. It's completely untrue. This subject should be discussed more than many others because more and more people are falling into it, not knowing what the boundries are. I was one of those people, and I wish my leaders had talked about it more because I was unsure of what exactly was wrong.
QUOTE (Valla) |
Pornography is addictive, and so much easier to access than it was even 10 or 15 years ago. |
QUOTE (DBClayton) |
This subject should be discussed more than many others because more and more people are falling into it, not knowing what the boundries are. |
Well, I was just saying that when I was growing up, it wasn't very openly discussed. Between ages 0-19, I only heard a lesson taught on it 2 or maybe 3 times, and the teachers seemed to want to avoid the lesson as much as they could. I know it's a pain for those who already know exactly what is wrong and what isn't, and aren't doing anything to break the law of chastity, but for those who don't know enough it really is a necessary thing to be discussed. Nowdays it's way too accessible, and the influence is everywhere. I work 7 hours a day, and for the last 5 hours I have to listen to this radio station that only plays profane rap music because that's what all the other people want to listen to. Knowledge is power and if people don't know the facts, then they're more open to influence.
"Personal worthiness is essential to enter His holy temples and to ultimately become heirs to 'all [the] Father hath' (D&C 84:38). The Lord has said, 'Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God' (D&C 121:45). When we do this, we can confidently enter the holy temples of God with a knowledge that we are worthy to go where the Lord Himself goes. When we are worthy, we can not only enter the temple, the temple can enter us. The Lord's promises of salvation and happiness become ours--and our earthly mission becomes His. . . .
"To the youth of the noble birthright, look into the windows of eternity! See yourselves in the Lord's holy temples. See yourselves living worthy and pure lives. Generations are depending on you! I testify that worthiness is possible because of the redeeming and enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
(Elaine S. Dalton, "Look toward Eternity!" Ensign, Nov. 2006, 32)