Now that maps are working, I wanted to talk to you and ask if the maximum number of text characters could be expanded within the side window for my game.
I like having it all be in one window, this makes it easy to manage on the edit profile page and reference in the forums side bar, but I have been told my spell casting players can't fit all there information in the window, and my players don't even have any loot yet. So, this makes me concerned as they acquire things they won't be able to track it, as there will be no room. And, the spell casters won't be able to list there spells with out chopping them up in to short aberrations.
I would be much obliged if you could add 1000 to the 1500 that it has, I think that will be more then enough and we won't have to keep tweaking with it.
With care, Cat.
Hello JB,
I'm one of the players in Kittens game, playing a sorceress with a familiar. I just went to choose a picture for the Familiar in the box and found there are nothing for either a Snake or an Owl. Is there anyway ones can be added? Much obliged.
This has been added, however your request reminded me of something I needed to add back. You will need 20 FP to make the selection. To learn about FP you can go to: Points, Posts & FP.
JB I have another large image to be added in my "World setting and rules post".
Can you please give me that link again so I can mail the URL to you and the you fit the image under my last post on that page?
The image I spent most of last night making, it is a map of the layout of the wolds land mass. I saw your conversation with one of the other DM's and realized I should make a map too.
Name: Stellar
Comments: Cool list of games going on but I was looking for a Pathfinder RPG that I could join where do I find it here?
At the moment no GM has taken up the Pathfinder RPG, neither has any Players expressed interest in it so we are unfortunately not catering for it at the moment but we do have a review on Pathfinder should you like to review it in the RPG Reviews Board.