Vanderbilt University
Were you or are you a student at Vanderbilt University? If so, please help us review Vanderbilt University by telling us the following:
* What was your major at Vanderbilt University
* What are the average fees per semester
* If you stayed on campus, how good are the Vanderbilt University dorms
* Your interaction with the staff, and faculty at Vanderbilt University
Your review of Vanderbilt University will help prospective students make informed decisions. Staff of Vanderbilt University are welcomed to give input here also. You can reply as a Guest just hit the [Add Reply] button on this page.
Vanderbilt Rule Rankles Faith-Based Student Groups
Vanderbilt University is enforcing a rule requiring student groups to accept anyone who wants to join, and allow all members to run for leadership positions. The policy creates a dilemma for faith-based organizations: Either drop requirements that leaders hold certain beliefs, or forfeit school funding and move off campus.
Source: Education