Can't forget to check for traps. Forget to check for traps and it gets bad. Whee, I like posting in character.
Elda hears Althea's offer to leave and scoffs.
"I'm afraid it will take a little more than a warning in blood to frighten me away. I fear not death." She said, smirking to herself.
This may yet prove to be interesting...
Oh, and I agree with everything FarSeer's planned.
Edited: drizzychick on 30th Mar, 2004 - 3:24am
Did you guys see the new thread about keeping your characters alive? He said to remember that wooden trap doors are not sound proof. It was emphasized as a hint. So, we should listen before proceeding and then remember to be quiet ourselves as we progress.
I will try the in character thing, but I don't feel I will be very good at it.
Ice says, "Turn back now?! What and let you have the gold all to yourself. I think not! Be careful down there. Have yourselves a real good look see before you do anything else. Also, put your ear to the door. See what you can hear. Do you hear anything? Could be some one inside left behind to guard the place even though this torch is here on the outside. Of course, the tracks outside aren't fresh, so we probably need to worry more about our backs than what's in front of us, excepting for traps, mind you."
Okay, it seems we're agreed on moving forward carefully, after listening at the new trap door, and proceeding with caution and stealth. Althea, since she's stuck with Horde, will try to get him to move/speak with stealth.
I'll go ahead and post since the GM's getting antsy We are kinda slow...
Since the party has now split up, we should light another torch.
Already on edge, when a puff of air blasts through the seams of the trap door, Althea nearly screams! But instead bites her tongue to keep silent. She knows it's a rhetorical question and doesn't really expect an answer, but has to ask it, whispering softly to Horde. "What in blue blazes was that?"
Posted several things in Party Order tonight -- JB was on at the same time and kept posting!! So, rather than wait overnight on group consensus of what to do if the trap door is locked, I went ahead with some simple steps first. If the door is still locked afterwards, then we need to confer on what next.
What tools do we have to unlock this heavy oak door? I have a hammer and some tent spikes, plus my dagger.
Maybe it is a pressure lock. Perhaps we should try closing the other trap door and see it that then releases this door.
Ice says, "That was a bit strange. I have heard of something called a pressure lock. Maybe that is what this is. Let's try closing this door and see if that frees the other one for opening.
Only question is should we all try to squeeze in here by standing together on the stairs and stuff or should some of us stay outside in case there is trouble opening the top door again.
If this doesn't turn out to be a pressure lock, two of you are thieves, can't you pick the lock? We don't want to use force, if we don't have to, it will make too much noise."
We could throw horde into the door and make use of him ^_^
Hm, yeh send me up the ladder, ill open the door, then u can use my spear and open it..or just forget the door. Also, i suggest we listen through the door first, just to see if mister miner isnt there wating..oink.
We need to post something soon. We are way too slow and the GM is going to make us pay for this.
I vote that we post at least once per day. Let's set a time by which, if we haven't heard from someone, we will post what the others who have posted decide. Maybe 9:00 p.m.
In the meantime, we need to post what has already been suggested without waiting for concensus or we are going to be hurt. Read the latest from the GM.