On the other hand, it's possible he really knows nothing about it. The map was dropped by a "traveler" who actually passed through town, not stopping, if I remember correctly. So we've just brought attention to ourselves... and the gold mine. I think we need to get out of there and back to camp, and watch our backs -- we're going to have company on our trip, I think..
then go back in and ask him if we should aquire new information |
I agree with Drizzy. Don't let on we know anything in particular or are looking for anything in particular.
Maybe say like Drizzy suggested, "You mean there is more than one?" and maybe also say something like - "I don't have anything specific in mind, I have just heard stories about a gold mine in this area that no one knows any more where it is located?" Just curious about the story."
I agree that we probably shouldn't have bought the skins without attempting to get them for less, but what is done is done.
Make sure to record once we leave the bar that Sokei paid Ice for his skin and Ice gave it to him. I think we need to ration Horde, not actually give them to him to carry.
Alright, what shall i post then, lets reach a consensus. Shall we continue the convo, or leave and examine the map. Are there any last ideas?
(When we make purchases at the market, does the GM post it in the Scenario?)
Edited: FunXueYei on 16th Mar, 2004 - 12:15am
I think we should pretend we know nothing and were simply curious because we had heard bits of rumors or something. We may get some info, and even if he knows nothing it would be a lot less awkward leaving than if we simply ignored his question and left.
Also, I agree with FarSeer. We should probably tread carefully so as to not bring anymore attention to ourselves and keep a wary eye over our shoulders. Don't want anyone hoping to follow us to the goldmine, then killing us for all of the gold.
Agreed -- try to schmooze our way out of it... "Don't know what gold mine, thought you would know, just a rumor" kind of thing. And then get the heck outta there where we can check out the map in privacy. Yes, we keep the ale skins separately -- Horde would have them all at once, with no supervision.
Fun, yes when we need to purchase anything at the market, the GM will tell you if it was available and what it cost in the scenario thread.
Does this fairly set forth our plan of action? We should post soon.
1. Play down the fact that we've asked about a gold mine and leave the bar.
2. Get the ale skins stowed away.
3. Sokei wants to buy leather armor in the market.
4. Get back to camp to examine the map.
O.K. Yes, play down the asking about the gold mine, but don't just ignore it. See if there is any info to get. The last game fun and I played one of the GM criticisms when it was over was that we didn't search for enough info.