Fugi said... Some folks make so many wonderful posts, but there's the restriction of only being able to change a members' charisma once every 72 hours. Oh well... So be it. |
Cool beans! Makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for the explanation, JB!
I would encourage members to reward others who answer their questions with Charisma. I am not talking about when you ask a question about how something in the community works, but technical or epert advice. I see many times where a member takes the time to answer a question that someone asks and they go unrewarded for their effort, especially when the answer is factual and referenced.
I understand that giving or taking carisma points can be trace and also power user (or administrators, I do not know the correct term here) can make decisions about resetting the carisma points or other restrictions...that being said, does any of over 100 points ever receive a (-) and what happened to the guy that did such a foolish thing? Joke aside...have any of you had an experience when the carisma decrease?
I did not understand the first part of your message, but to answer your question. When someone gives you negative feedback then your charisma goes down by one. Members who receive negative feedback should stop to think if it was justified before acting or in other words - deciding to retaliate by just giving negative feedback to the critic who gave it to them. Administrators and mods can give feedback freely on two levels - charisma and warn rating (not part of this topic).
I find charisma very useful too, and a good way for thanking someone without just posting thanks, because that's not constructive.
I also have a question - when I click on the charisma of someone with a 100 +, for example you, I see + 29 - 116, adding together to 145, your charisma. How come you and all the mods have all these minuses?
Before this forum script we were using another that took up a lot of bandwidth (YaBB) and CPU usage so we had to change to this script (IPB). In doing so we found the conversion to not retain 'Charisma points' we gained from past posts. So I had to manually enter them for those who were above a certain Charisma rating. Now, the minuses shows because the DB cannot find threads that contribute to the positive rating so it assumes it is a minus. I could probably change that, but it just does not seem to be a high priority.