Are there really people who can be so addicted to Dungeons & Dragons that it develops into a problem? Seems kind of hard to believe because its not like you can play a game by yourself.
It depends on your social life. There is a trend that Dungeons & Dragons tends to attract people who are:
1. Unable to get into group or socialize because of work, family, etc.
2. Generally socially awkward so they use their character to bring their own personality out
3. People who are generally starved creatively and need an outlet.
If you have a need Dungeons & Dragons and other role-plays for that matter is a good way to find some kind of 'relief'.
I disagree with this analysis. Having volunteered for years in several game centers as a dungeon master, I had to deal with dozens of different players face to face and my experience is that there's not a stereotyped Dungeons & Dragons player. Some of them match with that kind of description but they are far from being a majority. On the contrary, usually it was those kind of players that I was losing halfway because of their difficulty in becoming part of the "Group". Maybe it works in another way for online role-playing games. I don't have enough experience to comment on it being quite new to them myself.
It's only truly an addiction if you forget real life responsibilities just to role-play instead. Other than that dedicating like a few minutes or even an hour on online play is nothing.
There was a time I used to measure people based on Dungeons & Dragons attributes. When I would catch myself doing it I new Dungeons & Dragons had me in its vicious grasps. For example I might see some woman I like and in my mind I'd be "She's definitely a 16 Charisma". I usually reserve 18 and over for movie stars.
I like Role-playing Games and I like Dungeons & Dragons although I'm new to it but getting addicted just isn't me. I can see how some players can get hooked on the rules or versions of the game because some people are like that but everything has a limit.
I do the same thing as Wizard, sometimes saying "Diplomacy [Critical Hit]!" When I convince someone about something. This is among role playing friends or other people who understand the joke.
On a more serious note, I once found myself shirking half an assignment for a session once, at a stressful time when I had started [game mastering]. On one side I needed to play for relax, on the other I needed some help with rules.