Violent crime rose nearly 4% in 2015, according to the FBI, as several major cities struggled to deal with rising gun violence
The FBI's annual crime report found that murder was up 12.8%, driving the overall increase in violent crime. Ref. USAToday.
I think more people need to be armed. If you have more people armed to protect themselves you will see a decrease in violent crime. After all most criminals are just bullies that do not want someone to stand up for themselves. They do not want to have violence given back to them and if it is they will be less inclined to do violence in the first place. Granted this will stop all of bullies but a few being killed by armed citizens will make many of them rethink their motives.
I do not always bring up Chicago but it is true that it has the toughest gun control in the nation and still leads the nation in gun violence. Does it matter where the guns are coming from? A couple facts that I do know about this subject.
First of all the latest gun violence could have been even more but with Texas being a open carry state and a legally gun carrying civilian saw the violence and started to shoot at the subject of the church shooting caused the subject to stop the church shooting and face this civilian who was trying to stop him. This is what lead to a short chase and the subject killing himself before police arrived. The police did not stop this person from killing more a legally armed law abiding citizen did.
Second I remember a news show that went to Chicago and talked to actual gang members about their violence. The one question and answer that stood out in my mind was the question. Would you still be breaking into houses and committing these violent acts if the citizens in Chicago were able to carry? The over whelming response from the gang members was No, because we do not want to be shot.
TO me this is a clear sign that yes Chicago is a violent city and yes it had the tightest gun control. But just maybe if the citizens were more able to protect themselves against some of this violence just maybe the number of violent acts in Chicago may go down. Of course we all know that this is speculation and could not solve anything. Just like I know if the criminal wants to cause a lot of deaths and can not get a gun he/she will find a different way to still cause mass deaths. It is not the instruments that were used to cause the deaths that is the issue and people need to understand this.
This is a tough situation. I don't mind people owning guns but how do you make sure the right person is owning a gun. They need to be correct thinkers (No metal illness), responsible, no criminal record, etc.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 174 17.4%
I know a lot of veterans who are not correct thinkiers and have a mental illness (PTSD) they own guns and are very good shots with said guns but you do not see them going out and shooting the place up so I will have to disagree with the mental illness in some people. Gun control is not the way to go about this. Gun violence is not being caused by competent people. They are being caused by people that have a issue with something and not in a good place in their minds. If we could figure out those who are prone to violence. People like me and some of my friends and then separate those who think evil or bad thoughts compared to those that want to stop violent people then maybe we would have an answer.
I say this because it is like I said before. People who want to commit violent acts are going to do it with a gun, truck, bomb, knife or anything else they can get their hands on to use. I am a violent person and I hang out with a lot of very violent people. The main difference between my friends and I are that we do not want to see people hurt or suffer. We do not want to go out and shoot people up just for the fun of it. We do not want to get in a truck and drive through a large crowd. There is a very difference between people like me and those that want to go out and do this stuff. How do we separate the two? That is a answer that I have been thinking about for a few years. I still do not have an answer and those I hang out with do not have that answer either.
Recent research on causes of gun violence analyzed. Consensus is growing in recent research evaluating the impact of right-to-carry concealed handgun laws, showing that they increase violent crime, despite what older research says. Source 6o.