Gary Dourdan

Gary Dourdan - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 2nd Jul, 2011 - 3:41pm

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30th Apr, 2008 - 1:49am / Post ID: #

Gary Dourdan

It seems like he has a temper or maybe abusing some sort of drugs? For those who do not know who he is, he is the black guy with green eyes from CSI. He attacked a paparazzo recently.

Last night outside of Hyde, CSI's Gary Dourdan violently attacked a paparazzo. According to our photog, Gary showed up after the club was already closed, looking like he was "under the influence of something." Gary asked the paparazzo to stop filming him, and when the photog wouldn't, Gary grabbed the camera and threw the photog to the ground. After the fight, Gary jumped on his bike and headed for the gas station, only to return to the scene immediately, where he attempted to follow the paparazzo.

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2nd Jul, 2011 - 3:41pm / Post ID: #

Dourdan Gary

He is in trouble with the law once again. So sad because he was doing so well in that show but drugs and alcohol are totally destroying him.

international QUOTE
Former CSI star Gary Dourdan has found himself, once again, on the other side of the law. The actor was arrested early Monday morning for felony drug possession, but not before he smashed his vehicle into multiple parked cars in Los Angeles.

According to E! News, Dourdan, 44, was caught walking away from the scene of the accident by cops. When police investigated the scene, they reportedly found a controlled substance in his car. He was taken to LAPD's Pacific Community Station a little after 7:30 a.m.

Dourdan posted $10,000 bail and is due back in court on July 7. Source 5

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