If you are trapped in a mine or cave what should be done to ensure survival? Consider the factor of no exit being found.
Pray! If you are trapped in a mine with no exit, then there will be no air in a short while as you breath it all up.
Don't walk around, you use more oxygen that way. In addition, by staying in one place there is a better chance of someone finding you.
Now, if you are trapped only because you can't find the exit, and not because one no longer exists, I think you should then attempt to find your way out. The best way to do this is walk through the cave with your hand always on the right hand side wall. It may not be the shortest way out, but eventually you will get out. This will ensure you don't keep going round in circles. This works even when you come to a dead end. Just keep your hand on the wall to the right of you and it will lead you back up the way you came, but because you are keeping your and on the right hand wall, when you get back to the point where you entered that chamber, you will be led away from the direction from which you entered it, and eventually you will find the way out. Edited: tenaheff on 25th Mar, 2004 - 6:36pm
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