Martha Stewart's pearly smile and fresh baked cookies seems to be all hurting now that she has been found guilty of insider trading. Now, this thread has not been started to rip on Martha, but instead to examine this…
Is Martha just like so many that try to get a little bit richer? Is the only real problem that she got caught and so she looks bad? It is amazing what is considered 'okay' in the business world until you are caught. Shame!
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I don't feel sorry for her, she is a businesswoman and knows perfectly what she's doing, if she's guilty I hope the law can be fair as it would be with any other US citizen and I hope money cannot be an issue here if she needs to face jail.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I'm not so sure she's guilty, personally. One of the quotes I read from a juror said something like, "This is a victory for the little people who get hurt by these things."
Sounds biased to me. I think she got burned.
I'm no fan of Martha's, personally, I've heard she is awful to work for and cusses like a sailor. I'm just sharing my reasonable doubt.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
well i have two views about this.
one one hand, i agree that partaking in insider trading hurts those "little people" who dont have access to information. Im not arguing that someone who does something illegal shouldnt be made to pay for it.
on the other hand, it is unfair that the system has used Martha as an example. She is a celebrity with a horibble reputation for being obsessive compulsive. But the fact of the matter is that they used her to prove a point. If it was just anyone, this would not have been made into such a circus. Insider trading has been going on for decades...why hasnt such a fiasco been made about it before?...because a celebrity was never involved in this magnitude...thats why. And furthermore, who better to make an example out of than "perfect" Martha show that..if the system can put her away,,,they can do it to anyone.
this is of course, my view. I agree that if she is in fact guilty, she should be made to pay just as anyone else. But at the same time, i dont think her personality should play a role in anyone's decision about her. The public has given her the title of "miss perfect". She has never proclaimed to be perfect...shes just a perfectionist...which is someone who attempts to contort his/her surroundings to his/her likes. No one has the right to say...."well you think you so perfect?..see how perfect you feel in a 8x8 cell". That has nothing to do with her being guilty.
this may be off the topic..but i cant imagine how shes feeling now..knowing that shes going to jail...must be a shock to the system.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%
I agree with FarSeer, I do not really think she has been treated fairly. She has a lot of people who don't like her. As far as the rumors that she is not nice to work for, I think some of this may be related to the age old problem successful women still face in the US and perhaps in other countries as well...If you are a demanding man in business you are just being an assertive business man. If you are a demanding woman in business, you are a pushy [w]itch.
To a lot of people, the difference between being assertive and being pushy has more to do with gender than with behavior.
This is all in my very biased opinion, of course.
Edited: tenaheff on 12th Mar, 2004 - 4:53pm
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
This is all in my very biased opinion, of course. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I don't know whether or not Martha really IS guilty or not, but if she is, I hope she gets no special treatment. She did a crime and she should be punishment despite her fame/money. Just like with the whole Micheal Jackson thing - he got to travel all over the U.S. for his on comfort just because he's famous. If any of us did that we would have to stay in the city and or state in which we were arrested in.
It's called justice people, fame and fortune have nothing to do with it.