she has gone to a court of law and has been found guilt, so the next thing... will she actually go to jail? Has sentence been pronounced already or are there going to be a barrage of appeals? |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
This woman is a multi millionaire, she is FAR from stupid or naive. In my opinion, she knew exactly what she was doing at the time she was doing it.
...one of the quotes from testimony that is attributed to her was "isn't it great to have a stockbroker tell you these things?" |
I need to humbly change my original stance on this issue...
It occurred to me today that Martha used to actually BE a stockbroker before she became Miss It's a Good Thing. So, yes, she knew exactly what was happening. Guilty.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
okay, i ain't no Martha Stewart fan, but consider the following
lets say all of yuo own stocks in a company, say Biopure (BPUR) and yuo've been holding them for a while
lets say yuo get a tip from the Car Key Boi that Biopure have been submitting false test data while trying to get FDA approval for a major product, and this news is gonna hit market by the end of the week
what are YUO, as stockholders, gonna do?
are yuo gonna sell yuor stock before the doggy poop hits the fan?, or are yuo gonna hold onto it and watch the value crash?
-Car Key Boi,
expert on human nature, D N T)
This is (one of the things) what gets me about the whole stock market scenario -- you, as a stockbroker or some other person who is an "insider" to that knowledge, are prohibited by law from giving me the tip, and I'm prohibited by law from acting on it. Even though it results in a personal loss to me or to you.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
I understand why you should be prohibited from passing along the tip, but if you do, then I think it shouldn't be wrong for me to act on it. Of course I will act on it. You should be severely punished for passing the tip. If you don't pass the tips, I have no conflict because I wouldn't know anything that isn't available to the general public.
By the way, Martha was not charged or found guilty of insider trading. That is not what happened because in this case, she was not an insider.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
Martha was very lucky to only get 5 months when a 10-16 month sentence was more likely and justified. The judge even admitted that she was being very lenient in choosing such a short term for her. Along with the prison term, she will have 2 years of probation (including 5 months of home detention) and a $30000 fine. I think this was fair under the circumstances.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%