NEW YORK (AP) -- Baseball began its investigation Thursday into alleged steroid use by Barry Bonds and others, and the head of the in quiry immediately came under attack because of his close ties to the sport.
Bonds indictment likely
Perjury charge also could lead to MLB suspension
Lester Munson: This is not a big surprise. This has been lurking for two years. Myself and others trying to report on this thought that the government had dropped the ball on the perjury charge. I thought they would have indicted Bonds a year ago, so in my opinion, based on what I know, the likelihood of an indictment is very high. There is no question based upon the San Francisco Chronicle's reporting and based upon reporting done by myself and Sports Illustrated that Bonds lied to the grand jury. The only question is, why has the government waited this long to look into it? To me this charge is obvious and overdue. |