Home Made Board Game
Board Game Related
Name: Tarza
Comments: How about making a home made board game. Has anyone tried doing this? If you have I want to know what materials you made it out of and how you came up with the rules the whole idea and stuff. Thank you!
I made up a couple of simple board games but they used very little in the way of rules or pieces and were along the lines of Sorry, and also stole from a Scooby Doo board game I played once, where various squares along a path had different results like "Move back 3 spaces" and some had you draw cards, and the winner was the one to get to a certain square first, or collect a certain amount of a certain kind of card first, or something along those lines - simple but playable. For those I just used simple posterboard and marker and pencil and rulers, and for pieces I used whatever was at hand - other board game pieces, coins, miniatures from role-playing games, etc.
I work on making my own more complex card and dice games now, with more strategy, with much more involved rules, but the concept never changes - make something that is fun to YOU, that you enjoy playing, using methods in the game (dice rolling, playing cards, etc) that you like, and you're bound to get others that like it too, or will at least give you feedback on what they don't like, which can still help you improve your game.
Also, I almost glossed over Eald's post, which has some very good points about there being a lot of difference between chance-heavy games and ones with more realism, where strategy makes more difference, as there are some strategy games where two pieces vs one will beat that one piece, just because of attrition and probability, and there is something to be said for that level of simplistic and perhaps boring but realistic play, versus the more dynamic but less reasonable styles of some games, where a lucky streak of die rolls can see one piece hold out against five or six, which, while cinematically exciting, is rarer than hen's teeth, to the point of it not needing to be simulated in a game. Edited: JPatt on 8th Jul, 2011 - 2:19pm
After reading your post JPatt, I was thinking that I could add a little bit of uncertainty by making the players draw from a deck at the start of each turn that would possibly add a random benefit or negative. That could possibly spice things up and represent some of the uncertainties of life. Edited: Ealdstan on 8th Jul, 2011 - 5:35pm