The term 'jock' in US lore has come to mean the super 'person' because they are athletically above average. Does it also mean criminal in the making? Sports and crime seems to go hand in hand at the adolescent to college age level. Is it that too much testosterone is entering the system? What are your thoughts?
I don't think it has anything to do with hormones at all.
I think there are two big reasons for this (maybe more, but two that I can think of). First, many of those recruited for college sports come out of the inner cities. Why that is, I am not sure, but I know that it is often the case. This is especially true of basketball and football. In these cases, these guys grew up in an environment where crime was the norm. Statistics for crime are much higher in the inner cities. The general sense of right from wrong is formed by what their childhood experiences are. The fact that a highly recruited teen has been arrested several times as a teen is probably due to the crowd with which he hangs and what is acceptable to him and his peer group for behavior.
Another reason for bad behavior, and especially, I think the rapes that occur have nothing to do with from where they lived, in my opinion. In these cases, I think it has more to do with the entire recruitment process and how they are treated while in school. Their bad behavior is constantly excused or swept under the rug. At a relatively young age (17-22) they are being taught that they can get away with whatever they want as long as they continue to excel in their chosen sport. Look, they are admitted to most schools with lower requirements than the average student would need to meet academically. They are given money, cars, sex, etc., as rewards for their athetic ability. They get a very strong message delivered to them, that says whatever they want, they are entitled to have. So, they take it!
Edited: tenaheff on 11th Mar, 2004 - 3:32pm