Spelling - We Can't Read You! - Page 3 of 8

QUOTE I DO check my speeling every post I - Page 3 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 23rd Dec, 2004 - 12:21pm

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Posts: 60 - Views: 11900
Poll: Do you use the forum spell checker?
  Yes, everytime I post       43.24%
  Yes, some of the time       27.03%
  No, I always forget       0.00%
  No, I can spell really good       29.73%
Total Votes: 37
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How do they spell that word again?
25th Jul, 2004 - 7:15pm / Post ID: #

Spelling - We Can't Read You! - Page 3

I usually get flustered as well with all the posts I have to keep track of

With respect to spelling, doesnt the forum have a bot to check on spelling? If not, maybe having one would save some effort; at least in checking spelling.

Offtopic but,

I know, I know. What I should have said to qualify my statement was that I usually forget to do what you suggested, and end up with topic titles that dont make sense. I read the FAQ; just venting a bit because I had messed up that topic just earlier today tongue.gif

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25th Jul, 2004 - 7:26pm / Post ID: #

You Read Cant - Spelling

A bot to check spelling automatically? Well I do not think any forum could do that - for one thing if it finds a word that is misspelled then what does it do with it if there are three correct versions of the word, but meaning different things? There must be human intervention hence the spell checker which in itself is a bot - it finds everything for you, makes suggestions, etc. I know that one moderator, Farseer, is a tickler for this - she is my 'bot' in this area laugh.gif.

Offtopic but,
In other words you were being a child of rebellion? tongue.gif

26th Jul, 2004 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

Spelling - We Can't Read You! UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I know that one moderator, Farseer, is a tickler for this - she is my 'bot' in this area
laugh.gif Bot? Moi?? Perhaps so in this case -- since most of the time I can't help myself. But I'm not going to go around editing other people's posts - most would find that rude. I do edit topic titles when I notice them, and if I think it's necessary, though I can't access all of them (like RPG titles [hint hint]).


26th Jul, 2004 - 1:39am / Post ID: #

Page 3 You Read Cant - Spelling

most would find that rude

Yup. Why would you want to access RPG titles? spock.gif The whole idea no one but me can access that area is because it is part of the game and players would say that the 'Mods' could change posts so why can't we... Now with that said, let us keep in mind that we seem to be bringing up 'Cafeteria' type issues within a public forum wink.gif

26th Jul, 2004 - 4:32am / Post ID: #

You Read Cant - Spelling

I cannot be worried too much about spelling when first of all, English is a foreign language to me and second, I still learning it! smile.gif Reading the posts of all of you help me a lot! biggrin.gif

Post Date: 29th Sep, 2004 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

Spelling - We Can't Read You!
A Friend

Spelling - We Can't Read You!

I have always excelled at spelling, but there are still a few words that I'll occasionally flub. (restaurant, vacuum, souvenir...) Others' poor spelling used to drive me nuts since I manage an assortment of my own forums elsewhere online. I am a staunch supporter of individual expression(within reasonable limits), so I force myself to leave these glaring errors exactly as the posters submitted them.

I became curious as to the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension and expression, especially since I have a globally delayed son learning to read and write. Humans learn languge phonetically, or by how words sound. Thusly, people with seemingly horrendous language skills, particularly in the area of spelling (ruling out learning disabilities), mostly tend to express written words with their working comprehension of the alphabet in the manner they feel adequately portrays their intended meaning.

Likewise, while well educated people frequently find this method of communication not to their liking, it is still understood- phonetically.

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Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2004 - 12:16pm / Post ID: #

Spelling - We Can't Read You!
A Friend

Spelling - Can't Read You! - Page 3

I am the king of misspelling, there is no pride in that and I DO check my speeling every post but still have grammar problems. Hope in time will improve:)

23rd Dec, 2004 - 12:21pm / Post ID: #

Spelling - Can't Read You! Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 3

I DO check my speeling every post

I am sorry, but 'speeling'? Did you mean spelling? The spell checker just looks for the correct spelling, but it cannot figure out what word you meant to use, so it may be necessary to skim over your text to ensure that is what you meant to say.

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