Now that you have played it - what is your review for the video game "Brink"?
Brink (Hover)
Brink is an immersive shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character across all modes of play. You decide the role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind's last refuge for humanity. Brink offers a compelling mix of dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system that will keep you coming back for more.
Review: Brink
No doubt about it, Brink makes a rather muddled first impression. In trying to be all things to all men, it's fair to say there's been some confusion as to just what the latest game by Enemy Territory veterans Splash Damage is supposed to be. Ref. Source 1
On the game: The events unfolding in the Brink Arch - a giant floating city that is on the verge of a brutal civil war. It was built as an experiment as environmentally friendly and self-contained habitat f humans. But the result was the home not only to its founders and their descendants but also f the thousands of refugees fced to flee from the land suddenly flooded water. As often happens the inmates could not get on Arch with each other and divided into two camps - the rich citizens under the protection of security personnel rebels and "¦
Brink (Hover)