Best Tropical Fish For An Aquarium
Name: Gert
Comments: I want to buy an aquarium for my son's birthday coming up next week and wanted an idea of what kinds of tropical fish will be best for easy maintenance in an aquarium?
Whatever you do don't get in the gold fish trap! Those are the easiest to die fish there are around. The best fish are probably guppies. They are sturdy and hardy and multiply fast.
I've heard it said that if you go with fresh water fish it's best to get one or two bottom feeders (I.e. Sucker fish). They're useful in keeping your tank clean and there are some species that are pretty cool looking.
We called them "scavengers". There are two kinds, the one that sucks on the glass and the other that moves around cleaning everything. They are very useful but they do look kind of odd... Like stalkers.