Actually, I couldn't answer this question, as I know almost nothing about Seventh Day Adventists. I do know that there are similarities, but then there are similarities between the LDS and Catholics, LDS and Baptists, even LDS and Quakers.
Rather than say 'yea' or 'ney' let me describe what they 'do' and then you can decide. I built a web site for their local college: and this allowed me to get to know them more:
1. Their style of preaching is similar to pentecostal
2. They use a pastor as their main clergyman
3. They are vegetarians although not all follow this rigidly
4. They do not drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs, etc.
5. They use the Bible as their source of scriptures
6. They are strong believers in family, work and education
7. They believe the Sabbath should be followed like the Jews (start Friday afternoon and end Saturday afternoon)
8. They are very friendly and welcoming
9. They pray in most, if not all meetings
10. They have very organized choirs and use the hymns
I think there are a lot of similarities in that they expect a lot from their active members. Tithing for example. Also, a strict obedience to keeping the sabbath day holy.
However, they have many differences from LDS as well. The primary one would be that they don't accept Gordon B. Hinkley as their church leader, let alone a prophet of God.
They don't recognize the Book of Mormon as scripture either.
We have the word of wisdom as a health code. They follow many of the dietary laws laid out in the Old Testament - no pork or shell fish, for example.
I think the similarities come because we both believe in the same Bible and both groups try to live in accordance with it's teachings.
I grew up in a family that was split between Seventh Day Adventism and Presbyterian teaching, and was forced as a child to attend both churches, by differing family members. My problem with SDA teaching was like tenaheff mentioned, its heavy dealings with the Old Testament point of view, and strict enforcement of not doing ANYTHING on Saturdays and Friday evenings. In my opinion, this was not feasible for today's world where so much revolves around those two days. It is very difficult to obtain a job that would be so lax in allowing their employees to take Friday evenings and Saturdays off for religious purposes, etc. I eventually made the choice to not go to the SDA church anymore. I do not have any experience with the LDS doctrine to make a comparison of the 2.