That is what we call freedom of choice or agency. It is not for the government to tell me what drugs are acceptable and what are not. Cigarettes are legal, so is alcohol. Both are dangerous and responsible for many deaths each year.
Even if the government legalizes them, I won't use them, but that isn't the point. I should have the freedom to use them if I wish.
But don't you see, the reason you are opposed to it is because you think it is bad. People who don't have your same morals don't see it as wrong. Not everyone who smokes marijuana abuses it or harms there family in any way. Just like not everyone who drinks alcohol has a problem with it. If you use this logic then cars should be illegal too because they can kill pedestrians, passengers and the drivers. In fact, there has been more than one case on the news the past few years about someone killing a spouse intentionally by running them over with a car.
Just because something can harm doesn't mean it should be banned. Regulated, yes, but not outright prohibited.
One could also make the point that some people may feel certain religious practices are harmful and seek to use the force of government to criminalize them.
I used to believe drugs should be illegal until I really started thinking about it; government is not God, it has a very limited and specific role (or should have) and that is simply to protect fundamental rights and leave society otherwise to regulate itself, for good or ill. That is freedom.
When governments ban drugs they ban the beneficial as well as the harmful. If we ban things that can have a harmful use, logic would lead us to ban all things...
Why can't you regulate them? They are totally out of control now because you can only get them illegally. In the early part of the 1900's when alcohol was illegal in the US the same problems existed. However, if you offer them legally and affordably most people would prefer to buy them legally. Not many in the US buy their alcohol illegally any more now that they can get it legally.
Well, I think you could start by making their use legal. Penalize people for bad behavior using them, but not for the actual sole use of them. So, if I get high and drive. Punish me for that the same way you punish someone for getting drunk and driving.
That could be phase I. Then phase II, the government could decide which drugs it thought it woull like to actual control the sale of. For example, marijuana is one I think could easily be regulated and controlled. You could have marijuana farms. They could be required to meet certain potency requirements and the additives could be regulated. Then the sale could be controlled the same way cigarettes are controlled and alcohol. You could tax them as well.
I recognize that the government isn't going to get into the business of selling every drug under the sun, but marijuana is definately one I think it could and should. Now I am not saying the government should do the actual selling and growing but simply regulate it like cigarettes or alcohol.
Whether or not it wants to control and regulate these substances, I don't think it should be illegal just to use them.