What is your review for the entertainment value of the animated TV series called, "Wolverine"?
Wolverine - Animated Series (Hover)
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 1 - Based on the popular graphic novel by Frank Miller, the series begins in Japan, where Logan is challenged by Shingen Yashida, the notorious leader of a powerful mafia clan. When Shingen's employee Yukio, a female assassin, falls out of Shingen's favor, she must kill him or be killed. Teaming up with Logan, the pair seek out the villain to exact their revenge.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 2 - A mysterious woman rescues Logan from Shingen's trap; Logan is suspected of murdering a friend.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 3 - Logan fights a mutant with powers similar to his own; an old enemy resurfaces during Logan's search for a smuggling operation.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 6 - Cyclops helps Logan and Yukio travel to an island to rescue Mariko.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 7 - Kurohagi acquires an assassin to pursue Logan.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 8 - Logan delays his quest for vengeance to save Yukio.
Wolverine Season 1 Episode 9 - Logan and Yukio find traps on Hell Road as they proceed to Dragon Palace.