Newsletter - July 2011
A happy Fourth of July 2011 to all of you in the USA celebrating. In this newsletter we will focus on some issues affecting the US for which you may like to express your opinion within the Threads.
* What Are You Doing For 4th July 2011? Source 4
* Discriminated Hispanic US Citizens Source 6
* The US One Drop Theory Source 8
Other Topics:
* A Game Master That Is True To Life With Role-playing Source 4
* Teens That Do Stupid Things Source 7
* Paranormal: Pets Not Enter Certain Room Source 7
Search Our Site Using Google
We offered this option on Search Pages where you could not find what you were looking for but now we have also added it to the bottom of all pages so you have the option there as well. Do note that search results will differ since Google may not have Posts made in the last week.
Search Results
The Latest Topics (Hot Topics) page and other Search Result pages will show it blocks of 20 rather than 35. This speeds up loading time and gives more focus to the most recent Threads.
What's new?
As we head towards half a million Posts we needed to change how the Forum works so of recent we have been updating the code to cut down the server resources needed to load pages.
During this updating period you may have come across a blank page or an unexpected page and we apologize for that. All should be well now but if you encounter any unexpected errors please feel free to let us know about it. Thanks!
What's New?
* We will be increasing Premium Membership donations requirement from $35 to $55 a year soon.
If you wish to be a Premium Member or add more time to your current Premium membership and help support the work of the community as well as get access to added features and hidden boards then Donate Now.
Some Highlighted Topics:
* Sleepy people like to blame others: Source 4
* Rupert Murdoch & News Corp: Source 3
* Jesus on WalMart receipt: Source 4
* Soldier gets date with Mila Kunis: Source 6
* Pastafarian - atheist tests law: Source 1
* Are Mormons a cult? Source 2
* Selling home and home buyer tax credit: Source 7
Premium Membership
Donations of $55 or more allow access to our Premium Features. This used to be for a Donation of $35.
Topic Tracking Limit
To reduce the number of Emails sent out for those who track Topics... It will prune your subscriptions if the Topic has nothing new added to it in 60 days.
Boards Merged
To continue the KISS principle the following Boards have been merged into one:
Frequently Asked Questions
Constructive Feedback
Forum Updates, News & Contests
The new merged Board has been named: Community News, FAQ & Feedback