Post Date: 15th Jul, 2011 - 4:40pm / Post ID:
Bible Arguing Revealed Bible The
QUOTE (Rina)
Why do people argue so much over the bible?
Many see only what they want to see, or may simply need a more in depth study of the scriptures to gain accurate Bible truth.
QUOTE (Saved)
The Bible "¦ doesn't argue over itself
I agree wholeheartedly. Why not let the Bible interpret itself. For instance if you what to find out about the soul from the Biblical view, why not get out a Bible concordance and look up every scriptural occurrence in the Bible of the word soul , than consider these scriptures prayerfully before coming to your conclusions.
QUOTE (Bible citation)
2 Timothy 3:16-17 . . .All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
Post Date: 19th Jul, 2011 - 6:19pm / Post ID:
QUOTE Why do people argue so much over the bible if the Bible is supposed to have all the answers we need in life?
I think the number one reason is because everyone thinks they have the "truth" and wants to prove the other party is wrong and I think it's not a very Christ-like thing to do. I believe in letting people worship in the way they want.