Out of Character:: Not sure if I want to continue... These updates are getting slower and I thought you said you would be coming more often. I will give it last try and see.
In Character: Krusten sees an opportunity and asks to follow them and she will be one of their protectors.
Out of Character:: I can't even remember if Krusten has a horse or not.
Glem will wait until the crowd dies down to get a closer look. In order to amuse himself, he decides to spread the rumor of a murder.
"Oh, yes. Trevor's wife hasn't seen him since last night!"
"Thomas' dad expected him home 3 hours ago!"
The Caravaneers eagerly accept Krusten as a member of their caravan. She says farewell to her friends as they continue on with their patrolling. The caravan is carrying a large supply of wood and tools ment for building, it is obvious that it is also extremely heavily protected. By the look of the other guards it seems that mercenaries make a very small percentage of them. The others all appear to be from one certain group.
Also Krusten is able to hear that the town that they start will have nothing to do with the Feldakars, the leaders of all of the cities that now stand on the land.
The travelling is suprisingly fast and Krusten is given a horse to ride on. She is also supplied with ample rations and water for her and her dog.
After travelling the rest of the day and through the night the caravan settles down for a few hours rest. Suddenly, in the distance Krusten and the others can make out figures. Whether they are hostile or not, noone is sure. Also, nobody appears to be taking charge and making a decision on what should be done.
As Glem begins to spread his rumors, the crowd begins to liven up again, people begin to shout and push and shove to get closer, the guards begin trying to push and order the onlookers out. Suddenly sombody hits a guard in the head with a stick. This ignites a miniature riot with people rushing to get into the house and guards trying to keep them back without hurting them.
Glem sees an opportunity and throws himself towards the rioters, helping the town guard. It goes without saying that he keeps his weapon sheathed as he pushes through the crowd and tries to grapple someone who is harassing the guard.
(I think this means my opponent gets an attack of opportunity before I can grapple and if I'm damaged I won't post my grapple check.)
(None of the rioters manage to harm you in any way, you are free to go on ahead with your grapple check.)
The rioters attepmt to push Glem away, and one even tries to hit him on the head with a cudgel, but he manages to knock away their blows.
Glem is able to keep back some of the civilians, and soon the guards are able to push back the tide of bodies and scatter them.
As Glem looks about he sees one of the guards approaching him.
One of the figures rides up on a horse and rears it, shouting something that noone can make sense of. Then the figures begin to move forward slowly, the have the entire caravan encircled, but it is obvious that they do not outnumber the caravaneers due to the spacing between each of them.
"Archers nock arrows, footmen spread out and take up positions on the outside of our caravan. Riders form up on me!" A man shouts as he beckons for the other people on horseback to join him in the center.
"We don't know if they are hostiles y-" He is cut off as an arrow thuds into a soldiers sheild. "CHARGE!" He yells as he leads the riders straight towards the enemy.
(If Krusten chooses to ride into battle with them, I will need 1d20 Initiative roll and a few rounds of to hit and damage rolls.)