D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game - Page 4 of 36

Out of Character: I used this Source 3 to - Page 4 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 17th Aug, 2011 - 9:18pm

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D&D Play By Post Managed by Dungeon Master Gunner1116
16th Aug, 2011 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game - Page 4

Glem turns to the armored man. "What about the kid? I don't normally leave witnesses." Realizing he has no idea about this man he quickly tries to correct himself. "What I meant was... But I only... Who exactly are you meant to be?"

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16th Aug, 2011 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

Game Talgaroth Dragons and Dungeons

international QUOTE
If you wish to charge in, then roll your initiative and attack rolls.

Please tell me if you don't mind exactly what dice rolls you need, thank you!

17th Aug, 2011 - 3:16am / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Umm, do you mean what dice to use to roll those? Well if that is your question then roll a 20 sided dice for initiative. A 20 sided dice to hit and since your weapon does 2D6 damage roll two six sided dice.

Of course you will have to put some explanation into it, like you ride over the dune at a full gallop and take a swing at an orc as you ride by.

If you meant explain in more detail what I wanted then: Roll your initiative because it is the start of combat and I need to establish the turn order. And roll to hit and damage one of the orcs.

Or, if you were taking the sneaky route, roll a d20 to see if you can be quite enough to get close.


The man completely ignores Glem and continues walking, the teenager has dissapeared.

Reconcile Edited: gunner1116 on 17th Aug, 2011 - 3:18am

17th Aug, 2011 - 7:40am / Post ID: #

Page 4 Game Talgaroth Dragons and Dungeons

Glem follows the man closely, so as not to lose him this time.

Out of character: On a side note, do I get XP for my kills? biggrin.gif

17th Aug, 2011 - 11:46am / Post ID: #

Game Talgaroth Dragons and Dungeons

Out of Character:: Thank you for that explanation! Here are my rolls:

D20: 15, 19
2D6: 6

I didn't add any modifiers to it, do I normally do that or do you?

In Character: Krusten charges towards the fire hoping that this time she can prove herself as worthy for her hire.

17th Aug, 2011 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game

In my limited experience, normally the player adds the modifier. Normally the rolls are in a list with a descriptor for what exactly they're rolling.

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17th Aug, 2011 - 4:11pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game - Page 4

Krusten's horse takes the lead over the other two horses and she is the first one to charge down on the unsuspecting orcs. She rides right through the middle of them and beheads one with her greatsword as she rides by.

The orcs react quickly. Two of them hurl javalins at Krusten. One javalin is thrown badly and it lands nowhere near Krusten, the other once hits her in the back, but it didn't have enough power to penetrate her armor.

The other three remaining orcs turn their attention to the two other guards and they hurl javalins at them. All of them miss.

Geoffre rides down and slashes at an orc cracking his skull open and killing it instantly.

Desh leaps off his horse and stabs both of his shortswords into an orc while still in midair. He also kills his target.

Out of Character:Yes, normally the player adds the modifiers, but to save time, I will just add them this time. Oh, and you need to roll for your dog! He will go at your initiative.


The man guides Glem through the crowd of people and then through a more deserted looking part of town. There are tents set up here and it looks like the poorest people live in them. He takes you to a tent that is set up right against the small wooded wall of the town and becons you inside. When you enter there is another man dressed in the same garb as the other with some tiny exceptions. He motions to a hole that has been dug under the wall. The hole is big enough for you to easily squeeze under the wall.

Reconcile Edited: gunner1116 on 17th Aug, 2011 - 4:26pm

17th Aug, 2011 - 9:18pm / Post ID: #

D&D 3.5 Tal'garoth Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 4

Out of Character: I used this Source 3 to get my dog's attack:

D20: 11 (includes his +2)
1D4: 4

The hit in Krusten's back makes her angry she immediately looks for the orc that threw it only to see him slain by the other guards. She looks for any more she can place her vengeance on.

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