Indian police have charged 80 people for burying children alive in an ancient
Hindu ceremony known as "the festival of pits."
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/04/1...reut/index.html
Jvalen, it does not matter in my opinion whether none of the children died or not. It is a EXTREMELY dangerous practise. Some of these children are less than a year old and they are drugged so they would be unconcious during the ceremony! *shaking head*. I know, I may not understand the purpose of this hindu practise but what I do see is that a whole bunch of kids are in danger of dying!. I am glad the police caught them.
I thought that people jumped to be angry about this before they took the time to find out what this is really about.
As per tradition, children are buried alive for less than a minute to propitiate local deities Muthu-kuzhi Mariamman and Kaali-Amman, for curing them or their family members of illnesses etc. The Kuzhi Maatru Thiruvizha, which is celebrated once in five or seven years, has been in vogue in the village for over 400 years. |