The Confusing Christian God
Name: We
Comments: You're probably confused about the title I'm calling this. The Christian god is confusing for me. According to what Christians say... The bible as their holy book of guidance, God created everything as we know it, but if that's the case then didn't he also he create the devil? Also the evil humans, the snake that tempted Eve and all the problems in the world. For me if god is so powerful then why would he choose some to suffer from birth until death? Why are there little girls born somewhere that are forced to have intercourse with old men over and over everyday with no one to help them?
Why would the Christian god punish you for being brought up in a certain religion or in another church if that is all you know? Think about it. If someone came now and said the Bible says this come and join my church would you? And what Christians say... Is always about some scripture that they interpret and the funny thing is the same verse is seen a million ways for everyone but it works well for that particular religious group. Someone explain to me how this makes sense.
Man's inhumanity to man is evident regardless of what faith a person might profess. Sure God created the earth with all good things we need for life, fruits, vegetables, and an abundance of materials of which to build things. Does this however make God responsible for the misuse of his creation? On the contrary Jehovah God will rid the earth of those that ruin it.
A lot of what you've (Joe Public) asked is very true and I've had those questions myself at times with no real answers. I don't see how what David27072 said answers this question it only talks about what will come.